Consumption management, self-consumption and the installation of electric vehicle charging points lets you optimise your resources and offer a better service.


Solutions for better reliability in all types of applications


Public administrations, banking, sports facilities, stadiums and private companies


Small stores and shopping centres


Hotels, Restaurants and Coffee shops

Water treatment

Supply, purification and pumping


Hospitals and Mutual Societies.




Motorways, tunnels and railways

Public lighting

Municipalities and mobility.

Billing partial consumption

Track the energy consumption of your premises, building or loads

Metering the energy of each installation allows for a fairer billing system by automatically charging the exact electricity consumption to each user, or tracking how much electricity each line or load consumes.

Find out more about energy sub-metering

Analysis & control

More efficient regulation and control systems

Managing HVAC or lighting systems lets users optimise energy consumption, save energy and avoid inefficient consumption.

Find out more about automatic regulation and control

Energy savings

Reduced electricity bill

Avoiding penalties for consuming reactive energy, both inductive and capacitive, and excess demand guarantees you won't have any surprises in your electric bill.

Find out more about how to save on your electric bill

Service continuity

Avoid outages in your facility and ensure the satisfaction of your customers

Avoiding power supply outages helps you ensure the availability of your services to users, customers and workers, avoid financial losses and boost your profits.

Find out more about service continuity

Grid quality

Ensure the proper operation and enhance the efficiency of your installation

The quality of consumption and supply is essential to ensuring the proper operation of electrical installations. Proper management increases their useful life, avoids service outages and lowers indirect costs.

Find out more about consumption and power quality

Self-consumption & EV charging

Reduce your grid consumption and improve the satisfaction of your users

Making systems available to charge electric vehicles increases the satisfaction of your customers, employees and users. By supplying your own electricity, you can reduce how much you take from the grid, lowering your environmental footprint.

Find out more about self-consumption and mobility


Optimise your installation by digitising your
energy efficiency system

  • Make automatic invoices for each user or connection
  • Quantify the consumption of your loads or lines
  • Optimise all your regulation and control systems
  • Keep maintenance indicators up to date
  • Correctly manage the availability of your electric
    vehicle charging system


Manage your installation