New update available for Wibeee

admin | 16 de January de 2018

Take control of your installation with a very simple approach

New update

CIRCUTOR offers a new update of the Wibeee platform, with new functions and a wider range of options to manage and control the consumption of electricity of your installation.

  • Automatically generated reports sent via e-mail
  • Data display customisation options
  • Customer or user management
  • Simulation of electricity bills


Wibeee is a consumption analyser connected via a Wi-Fi connection that displays instantaneous and historical data of your electricity consumption from any smartphone, tablet or PC through its app or built-in web server. It is the perfect tool to turn your electrical installation into an efficient installation, allowing you to control and view your savings.

Receive automatically generated reports via e-mail  

Always up-to-date:
Receive automatically generated reports via e-mail

Select any variable of your Wibeee devices, choose the frequency and how the data will be displayed (tables, bars or lines), so the system automatically sends e-mails to a pre-defined set of recipients with charts and tables of the variables you wish to control.
Manage your company's customers or users  

Greater control:
Manage your company's customers or users

Become the administrator of an account on the Wibeee platform and manage your own devices and those associated with your customers or other users. This means that you can register the accounts of other users and manage them from your account.
You choose how to display the data  

A higher level of detail:
You choose how to display the data

Select any variable of your Wibeee devices, choose the frequency and how the data will be displayed (tables, bars or lines), so the system automatically sends e-mails to a pre-defined set of recipients with charts and tables of the variables you wish to control.


Wibeee data display
Simulate your electricity tariff (Pricing)  

New performance features:
Simulate your electricity tariff (Pricing)

The platform features a new pricing system (beta version) that will allow you to apply the energy readings, different types of tariffs and contracts (for Spain), so you can fully control your power bill.

The tariff management function is currently in its beta/development version and is offered for free (subject to future modifications to the service terms and conditions).

Simulate your electricity tariff (Pricing)

In addition, enjoy all of these new features in the latest APP version

Download App Wibeee

Download App Wibeee

For more information, please do not hesitate to log on free of cost to our Wibeee portal: