The latest developments in electric vehicle charging systems at Automobile Barcelona 2019

admin | 3 de May de 2019

CIRCUTOR unveils the full range of electric vehicle charging points in the Automobile Barcelona 2019 exhibition, which will be held from 11 to 19 May at the Montjuïc Exhibition Centre (Barcelona).

The Automobile Barcelona 2019 (formerly known as the International Motor Show) organised by Fira Barcelona, will take place from 11 to 19 May 2019 in the city of Barcelona. This edition is particularly singular as they are celebrating their 100th anniversary, so this is a major opportunity to learn about the new trends in the automotive sector both in terms of the launch of new vehicles, new technologies applied to driving and all the new systems for charging electric vehicles.

Circutor will participate in the event displaying all the latest developments in electric vehicle charging systems covering from domestic needs to quick charging on public roads, thus serving all sections of the general public interested in the sector.

The different solutions that will be unveiled during the fair are listed below:

Solutions for domestic charge
Solutions for charging in indoor multi-user car parks
Solutions for charging in outdoor multi-user car parks
Solutions for quick outdoor charging

We look forward to welcoming you to show you all our news in the Automobile Barcelona 2019 show (Montjuïc Campus, Pavilion 8, Level 0, Street D, Stand 420).


electric vehicle charging systems at Automobile Barcelona 2019