How to avoid penalties on electricity bills (industry and services)

admin | 10 de October de 2018

If you run a business, one of the things you will be concerned with is your electricity bill. You will no doubt have heard of reactive energy and how it can affect the cost of your final bill. But what exactly is this type of energy?

What is reactive energy?

So-called reactive energy is the electrical energy that certain electrical appliances and units take from and return to the grid without using it. This means it is not actual consumption, although there is a cost to utility companies as they have to generate and transport it, which is why this energy can be found on your bill, especially when it accounts for a high percentage of consumption.

This type of energy is mostly required by units that generate a magnetic field in order to work. While private properties may have practically no reactive energy consumption, for businesses it can be a significant expense and occasionally a source of problems.

There are steps you can take to lower the penalties imposed for the reactive energy required by the units you have installed, thus correcting the so-called power factor. This factor measures the ratio between active power (actual operating power) and the total power consumed or the apparent power. Its value will be 1 or less, representing the actual efficiency of the electricity consumption. The ideal power factor value is therefore 1, which would imply a better use of energy.


This type of energy is mostly required by units that
generate a magnetic field in order to work


How to cut your electricity bill by reducing reactive energy

There are different measures that can be implemented to bring the power factor value as close as possible to 1. One of the options you will have to consider, if you haven't already, is installing a capacitor bank, consisting mainly of a regulator, contactors and capacitors.

The presence of harmonics in the facility must also be assessed, installing a harmonic filter whenever necessary. These elements are generated as a result of a distortion of the electrical current caused by certain electronic units. The problem is that the resonance they can generate ends up causing damage, such as overheating or system degradation.

In any case, a thorough study of the electrical facility would have to be carried out and any possible damage, especially to the capacitors, repaired. You should therefore consult an expert who can advise you on the best options for your facility.

In short, reactive energy can be a major expense in a company's electricity bill, making it vital to reduce this type of consumption in order to save unnecessary costs. Please contact us if you would like an expert to review and study your facility with a view to cutting your electricity bills. Our experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
