CVM-B100 and CVM-B150. Designed for energy efficiency

admin | 26 de May de 2015

Designed for energy efficiency

Easier to integrate

Modular and expandable, improve the features

CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 are state-of-the-art power analyzers that are capable of monitoring more than 500 electrical variables and can also efficiently quantify and manage electrical energy consumption.Thanks to its wide range of expansion modules, the analyzer can be adapted to suit all of your needs.Its modularity allows further performance features to be added through its wide variety of expansion modules, with the purpose of achieving full control over any installation.

Modular and expandable



Input / output modules

Communication modules

Datalogger module

Control your installation and processes:

  • 8 transistor outputs + 8 digital inputs
  • 8 relay outputs + 8 digital inputs
  • 8 analogue outputs + 4 analogue inputs
    (0/4 ... 20 mA)

Adapt your unit to many different protocols:

  • Modbus TCP (bridge)
  • LonWorks
  • Profibus
  • M-Bus

Provides an internal memory:

  • Recordings of more than one year (more than 500 variables)
  • Built-in web server (via IP) with access to embedded PowerStudio via a browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) or via XML queries for reading and configuration of the analyzer.
  • Capable of reporting all data monitored and recorded to a superior PowerStudio.

Be efficient


Quantify the CO2 emissions of your installation. Record the total emissions, by production process or tariff, to generate customized energy efficiency studies.

Control the consumption of the installation in EUROS (or a different currency), either in terms of its total cost , production process or by tariff. You will be able to classify the different costs and anticipate bills or calculate EnPI's.

Control the working time of your devices. This information will help you to anticipate maintenance actions on different machines or installed loads.

Specially designed for you

Billing closure

Quickly compare your consumption with the consumption of previous periods at a glance.

Graphs in real time

Control the evolution of different electrical magnitudes with real time graphs.


Create your own custom screens with the variables you wish to monitor.


Standard integrated functions


Built-in SCV system

Slide, Choose & View

{tab CVM-B100 and CVM-B150}


{tab Programming the electrical power analyzer CVM-B100 / B150}

Basic analyzer programming


Programming transformation ratios


Parameter Settings


Digital inputs and outputs




folder-documents-iconDocumentation (datasheet, manual, etc.)
Electrical power analyzers CVM B100 / B150  


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