CIRCUTOR collaborates in the DIDSOLIT-PB project

admin | 22 de October de 2014

CIRCUTOR is participating in the training of personnel responsible for the maintenance of the DIDSOLIT-PB international project. 23 attendees from 7 Mediterranean regions will take part in theoretical-practical training on the 22nd and 23rd of October

DIDSOLIT-PB project:
Development and implementation of decentralised solar energy on Innovative Technologies for public buildings in countries of the Mediterranean Basin

The DIDSOLIT-PB project brings together 7 partners from Spain, Greece, Egypt and Jordan and focuses on innovative technologies in the solar energy sector.

Through this public - private cooperative project, the aim is to promote and implement innovative technologies and transfer know-how in the field of small-scale solar energy systems, including that from the private sector and, especially, SMEs. The solar energy systems selected will be integrated in public buildings/premises through public procurement processes.

The image below shows the countries and buildings in which these new technologies will be implemented.

DIDSOLIT project


For more information International Project DIDSOLIT-PB


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