Programmable controllers and industrial automation

Develop your high-performance applications with the Linux operating system for Circutor embedded devices.

Discover the simplest way to build your monitoring and automation project. High-performance modular technology designed to create the ideal datalogger for each project. Explore our wide range of controllers with battery, GPRS, 4G, digital inputs, analogue inputs, relays, energy measurement and PT-100/1000 modules.


ARM industrial controllers

Range of industrial IoT controllers designed for the most demanding applications. Fully integrated ARM, Linux Yocto and Node-RED technology. Ideal for applications with local databases and UI.


ESP32 industrial dataloggers

Range of controllers designed for applications with real-time needs and strict cost requirements. ESP32 Technology, FreeRTOS Operating System, Modbus RTU/TCP and MQTT built in.

OEM product

Your own product

We offer more than products, technology and development; we offer an all-in-one development, certification and manufacturing service. We want to adapt to you, which is why our development team is available to create solutions that are specially designed to meet your needs.


eManager Essentials

All the power of the eManager, with the option to select an AC or DC power supply, adding GPRS or 4G communications, and the possibility of a supercapacitor bank.

eManager ActIO

All the capabilities of eManager Essential plus digital input modules, analogue inputs, relay outputs or PT100/1000 probe inputs.

eManager Energy

All the capabilities of eManager Essential plus the single-phase and three-phase power measurement modules.


The perfect industrial controller for projects with strict cost requirements. Power and efficiency.


Can't find the product that fits your needs?

We offer multiple devices with pre-defined hardware configurations to make the implementation even easier, depending on each project or need, and with guaranteed stock in our warehouse.

Even so, if you can’t find the model with the characteristics you need, you can contact us directly so we can give you a quote for your custom device.

Remember that the product is completely unlocked, so your development team can make whatever changes it needs to adjust it to your business. We will help you with all the documentation, tools and support you need. If you need to, remember that you can also purchase our turnkey service and let our developers do it for you.

PickData by Circutor

At PickData, we combine a team of professionals with more than 15 years of experience in the development of industrial software and electronics solutions, specializing in data capture and communications. PickData is a trademark of Circutor SAU.