TL-6r, 4-way earth resistance meter,
Code: P6062300A0000
The TL-6 tellurometer is a microprocessor-controlled digital instrument, developed to perform earth resistance and resistivity measurements (using the Wenner method).
The TL-6 is a fully automatic and very easy to use unit. Before starting a measurement, the unit controls whether the conditions of the installation are within the proper limits, notifying the user of any anomaly (too high interference voltages, very low test current, etc.). To optimise the earthed test, the TL-6 lets you choose two frequencies to generate the test current (270 Hz or 1470 Hz). The instrument has 4 ranges to measure resistance, covering measurements from 0.01 Ω to 20 kΩ.
This instrument is ideal for measuring earthing systems in substations, industries, power distribution lines, etc. in accordance with IEC 61557-5. It is also useful for measuring the specific resistivity of soil, in order to optimise earthing system projects.