PowerStudio-Deluxe, Virtual licenced Software. PowerStudio-Scada with Generic Modbus driver used to connect to other devices available in the market,
Due to the diversity and number of units that an installation might contain, which may be interconnected, it is important to be able to view and update various parameters of various units on a single screen at the same time. PowerStudio SCADA is designed to allow users to create their own customised screens and reports to according to their needs.
PowerStudio SCADA is a software tool that generates reports using the data obtained by the devices, allowing corrective or preventive measures to be adopted in the installation.
All in all, this software enables the integration of CIRCUTOR units for its management, such as CVM power analyzers, CIRWATT multifunctional energy meters, protection devices, process signal units, automatic load control by relays.
PowerStudio SCADA has an XML server which adapts perfectly to modern internet technology. PowerStudio SCADA also offers the possibility of adding an OPC or SQL Data Export server via the corresponding modules.
Energy supervision, preventive maintenance of electrical installations and lines and allocation of department costs or production processes.
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