Fotovoltaica CDP-0 CDP-DUO

Structures and support profiles for photovoltaic modules

admin | 12 de February de 2020

Photovoltaic solar energy is one of the most economical and consolidated renewable sources in the market today.The constant rise in the price of electric energy together with the decrease in the prices of the elements that comprise a photovoltaic installation is generating a direct increase in the implementation of these systems. Future perspectives certify it as taking centre stage in order to accelerate the energy transition on a global scale.

On a small scale, it is self-consumption that is contributing to this energy revolution. To be able to generate electricity where it is needed, to be able to consume proximity KM0 energy that uses a local, renewable and free resource.

The support structures are the elements that allow the fixing of the modules on the roofs where the photovoltaic installation must be housed, constituting a main element of the solution. Circutor offers a complete range of configurable support structures for any type of installation and roof.


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Structures and support profiles for photovoltaic modules
Solución integral para supervisión de plantas fotovoltaicas
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