Volkswagen ID4 GTX

Autonomy challenge – Volkswagen ID4 GTX

Circutor | 14 de February de 2022

Make and Model: Volkswagen ID4 GTX
Useful battery capacity: 77 kWh
Maximum power in fast charging: 130 kW DC
WLTP approved autonomy: 482 km
WLTP approved consumption: 16 kWh/100 km
Vehicle weight: 2224 kg

In this new autonomy challenge of #CircutorElectroChallenge we drive a Volkswagen ID4 GTX, up to the limit of its autonomy, using, as always, our best efficient and calm driving skills.

Recognized with the award for the best car of the year 2021 at the World Car Awards, it has the space of an SUV of considerable dimensions, almost 4.6 m in length, with the sporty character conferred by its two engines, one for each axis, with a total power of 220 kW and a torque of 460 Nm, which allow it to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in just 6.2 seconds with full control as they drive all 4 wheels.

A family car, with a spectacular interior and trunk space, with the quality finishes used to perceive from the German brand, but with an austerity in terms of the instrumentation behind the wheel that is quite surprising.

The first impressions, when you are behind the wheel of this car, are of power, the position of the driver, the visibility and, above all, its almost 300 horsepower with all-wheel drive give it the character of a beast that must be brought under control.

These are the consumer results obtained in the initial tests:

Charity lap: 18.3 kWh/100 km
EcoBest lap: 16.1 kWh/100 km

Volkswagen ID4 GTX - Service Station

These data already indicate some of the characteristics of this thoroughbred. It has very good rolling and, at quiet speeds, it can drive on the highway without triggering its consumption, but when it enters twisty roads and with unevenness, the trend towards more sporty driving increases consumption significantly.

Given the high capacity of its battery and its good behavior on fast roads, we considered doing a marathon challenge, climbing the Pyrenees, an environment in which a four-wheel drive vehicle fits perfectly.

It's Sunday and it's time to get up early, we have the id4 with 100% battery, still connected to our #RAPTION50 and it indicates a range of 436 km. The route that we have set for ourselves will require the best efficient driving.

8:15 am - We set off from the CIRCUTOR headquarters, in Viladecavalls, good temperature, 10ºC and variable weather ahead.

Our first section is on the A7 motorway northbound with the aim of reaching Perpignan. We make the mandatory stop, checkpoint and coffee in the L'Empordà Service Area, an hour and a half away, having completed the first 132 km. Our consumption makes us optimistic, 16.3 kWh/ 100 km and we retain 72% of the battery with an autonomy, depending on the vehicle, of 320 km, which would mean, if this level of consumption is maintained, a total of 452 km, therefore, we reaffirm ourselves in the challenge.

It is 12:30 p.m. and we take the control photograph of the passage through the Perpignan central railway station after 204 km. We maintain a very good consumption of 16.7 kWh/100 km and a range of 254 km.

We begin the most demanding section of the challenge, the climb to Mont Louis. It will be 78 km with a positive slope of 1600 m, of which we will do 600 in the last 10 km with an average slope of 6%

Here all the good consumption records are shattered since, to overcome some of the "paellas" the id4 uses all the power of its engines and we see consumption indications of up to 99 kWh/100 km in some moments.

Pep, our co-driver, changes his countenance, from initial tranquility to a certain concern. We're a long way from home...

We crown the port at 1:00 p.m. We can see all the Eastern Pyrenees, the northern slope of Puigmal, we step on snow, but how is our machine?

The accumulated consumption has risen to 19.8 kWh/ 100 km after 278 km traveled. We have 24% battery left and according to the on-board computer only 61 km of autonomy, however, our destination is still 145 km away. It is clear that we will need the maximum energy regeneration possible, in the 1,350 m of negative elevation that we have ahead of us to complete this challenge.

The navigator recalculates our route automatically and sends us the voice message so feared by the companions of electric car drivers.

"Its autonomy is not enough to reach the destination. At least one stop for recharging will be scheduled"

And we see how our route on the map is modified, in order to go through the recharging station of the REVEO operator, in Font Romeu.

Obviously, we reject the proposal. If we lower our consumption to 13 kWh/ 100 km, in this second part of the route, we have a chance of arriving without problems. Go!

We begin the descent, on the way to Puigcerdà, taking advantage of moments of up to 45 kWh/100 km of regeneration and we arrive at the north mouth of the Cadí tunnel with a 19% battery, after traveling 312 km and still 110 km from our destination. and we breathe deeply, our accumulated consumption, now, has dropped to 18.7 kWh/100 km and the recalculation indicates 112 km of autonomy, despite this improvement, the navigator sends a second message and reorganizes the route to go to load the station that Iberdrola has in Bellver de la Cerdanya.

We are stubborn and we throw C16 forward, Hint!

It is 2:30 p.m., we are hungry and we pass Manresa with a 14% battery, a moment ago we received a reassuring message from the browser:

"Your autonomy is enough to reach the destination"

But, the route stops going downhill and we have to overcome Coll Cardús, where the navigator doubts us again and wants us to load at URBAN 22 of the Vacarisses town hall. We only have 7% battery, but we only have 10 km left.

Finally, 15 minutes pass after 3 in the afternoon when we pass through the door of our headquarters, we have a 4% battery left and 17 km, according to the on-board computer. CHALLENGE COMPLETED!

Are we hungrier than the ID4? Maybe yes, so we continue to Terrassa to eat and return the car later, now yes, to recharge it in the Circontrol laboratory and be able to define the recovery curve from scratch.

Autonomy Challenge Results - Volkswagen ID4 GTX Pro

Volkswagen ID4 GTX - countryside

Total route: 437 km
Driving time: 6.5h
Remaining battery: 3%
Remaining autonomy: 12 km
Consumption: 16.6 kWh/100 km
Average speed: 67km


The car still retains 3% of its battery and we have not seen, at any time, the turtle. We have also not experienced any power reduction or disconnection of the climate system.

One of the notable features of the models electrified by Volkswagen under this same platform is the three-phase charging at 11 kW, which makes it possible to make good use of slow chargers on public roads, often free of charge, at a recovery level of 60 km/h.

Special Thanks:

Model: Volkswagen ID4 GTX
Collaborators: Jordi Layola Sans and Andreas Max from Volkswagen Carhaus - Barcelona
Date: February 11 to 14, 2022


The Solidarity Tour is a 20 km route starting and finishing at the Circutor headquarters in Viladecavalls, which runs along very twisty secondary roads with slopes of up to 250 m.

The EcoBest tour is a 60 km mixed route that includes approximately 50% motorway, 25% city and the rest on interurban roads, very similar to the distribution of the WLTP cycle.

All our challenges are based on achieving maximum autonomy, in real traffic conditions, using efficient driving techniques and moderate speeds, always above the minimum marked on each road.