Audits in Energy Efficiency European Directive: an obligation for companies and an opportunity for the sector

admin | 1 de December de 2014


European Union Directive 2012/27/EU of 25 October 2012 sets a deadline of 5 December 2015 for all companies in member countries to carry out independent energy audits by qualified and/or accredited experts. This Directive is binding in all member countries, and the administrative penalties for not performing energy audits on time can range from €300 to €100,000, in addition to other civil or criminal liabilities.

Specifically, the companies obliged to comply with the directive are:

Furthermore, the Directive indicates that member states should promote energy audits among SMEs. It also lists funding and grant mechanisms for audits, training and energy efficiency improvements. The goal is for each member state to be aligned with the European Union's 2020 strategic plan.

How can we ensure our installations are in compliance with the Energy Efficiency Directive?

There are several steps that must be taken in order to comply with the law:

Benefits of the European Directive for companies and the economy

The Directive will bring about economic benefits as a result of better efficiency in the companies performing the audits and improved energy efficiency overall. Other companies that will benefit directly are:

Whether you are a company that must comply with the European Directive or an energy service company, installer or electrical equipment distributor, CIRCUTOR can partner with you to help you follow the law and obtain all the benefits of Energy Efficiency.

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