新型 CEM 系列多功能电能仪表用于DIN轨道安装

admin | 7 d'octubre de 2014

In an increasingly globalized world is essential to manage efficiently the electrical consumption. In addition, the steady increase in the price of energy creates to the users the need to find new formulas to manage their installations.

The new CIRCUTOR’s CEM series of multifunction energy meters provides all the essential information about the different consumption habits of an installation, helping to save money, resources and improving the installation’s electrical energy efficiency.

The new CEM family range is composed by single and three phase direct or indirect static meters to measure the active energy with Class B/1 (EN 50470/IEC 62052-21) and reactive energy with Class2 (IEC 62053-23), all installed on DIN rail format.

In addition, a CEM-M module can be easily coupled to the system, providing RS-485 communications with Modbus protocol to the system.


Data sheet of CEM multifunction energy meters (data sheet, manual, catalogues, etc.):



See our specialized article: When monitoring becomes managing


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