Com a referents en eficiència energètica elèctrica, posem a la teva disposició totes les nostres solucions i catàlegs perquè els puguis consultar i descarregar en format digitalSi no trobes el que busques, posa’t en contacte amb nosaltres.
Solutions for Data Centres& telecom infrastructures
Complete range of solutions for electrical energy efficiency (Short-Form 2024)
Solutions for Electrical energy efficiency
Solutions for measurement in DC networks
Soluciones para la CREG 015 y actualizaciones
Soluciones para el Código de Red
Solutions for Low Voltage Power Factor Correction
Filtering solutions for improving energy efficiency
Solutions for ISO 50001
Solutions for Power factor Correction at Medium Voltage
Solutions for energy sub-metering.
Solutions for Advanced Low Voltage Supervision (SABT)
Solutions for AMI systems
Residual current protection solutions for EV charging points
Solutions for analysis & management for installations
eHome 5, Equip de recàrrega domèstica per a vehicles elèctrics
eHome-Solar, Equip de recàrrega domèstica per a vehicles elèctrics
eNext, Charging device for domestic environments
Electric Vehicle Charging
Residual current protection solutions for EV charging points
GETEST, Indirect earth contact simulator
RECB, Type B self-reclosing RCCB
REC4, Self-reclosing RCCB
RECmax CVM, Circuit breaker and reclosing earth leakage protection, with measurement included
RECmax , New range of reclosing systems
CBS-2000AB, Relé de protecció i monitorització diferencial tipus A&B amb 20 canals
RGU-10A/RGU-100A, Residual current relays, type A
IDA-EV, Type A RCCB with 6 mAdc monitoring
WGB, Differential transformers for Type B relays
CBS-400B , Type B residual current monitoring and protection relay with 4 channels
RGU-100B , Type B residual current monitoring and protection relay
Full range of Type B earth leakage protection and monitoring devices
RGMD-TB , Earth leakage and circuit breaker protection unit, Type B
RGU-2, Electronic monitoring and residual current relay
Earth leakage protection and monitoring
WGC series, Earth leakage transformers optimized for the installation
RG1M, Maximum protection in minimum space
WRU-10, Smart protection
RGU-10, Residual protection relay
Solutions for energy sub-metering.
Solutions for Advanced Low Voltage Supervision (SABT)
Solutions for AMI systems
LOC, Optical pulse sensor for meter reading
PowerStudio, for energy management and control
MyEBOX, Portable network analyzer
Current measuring transformers range
Line-M Impulse centralizer kits
Bridge LR, LoRa™ to RS-485 converter
Line, Integral Energy Management System
DATABOX, Energy management and control
MDC series, Predictive or level-based maximum demand control
MDC 4, New Maximum Demand Control by level
MDC 20, New Maximum Demand Control With integrated Web Server
CVM-C4, Compact Power Analyzer
CVM-C11, Compact Power Analyzer
CVM-E3-MINI, Power analyzer with Wi-Fi and Ethernet communications
CVM-E3-MINI, Power analyzer designed for energy efficiency
CVM-A1500, Power analyzer with power quality
CVM NET4+, Power analyzer for single-phase and three-phase lines
Solutions for analysis & management for installations
CVM-B100 / CVM-B150, Much more than a power analyzer